Annual Conferences

Annual Meetings of the Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing

Meetings Year Main theme Chairperson Theme of the chairperson's presentation # of participants
30th 2023 Dyadic Approach/Another Way of Building a Home Akemi Yamazaki Dyadic Approach/Another Way of Building a Home 1189
29th 2022 Weaving Family Stories: Family Nursing from the Field Yuko Hamada Weaving Family Stories 877
28th 2021 Courage for a New Knowledge Adventure Noriko Yamamoto Research Methods in Family Nursing: Courage for a New Knowledge Adventure 715
27th 2020 Open the future Midori Asano Open the future 578
26th 2019 Family Nursing bonds us together, and carries the torch Noriko Kawahara Family Nursing bonds us together, and carries the torch 951
25th 2018 Challenging the grand design of family health care nursing Kazuko Nagato Designing multidimensional care to families that will enable them to survive changing society 759
24th 2017 Expectations toward family nursing practice in the era of community-based integrated care Akiko Araki Family intervention for at-home support services 841
23rd 2016 The quest for caring to promote family healing: The practice of end-of-life care Midori Furuse End-of-life care and family healing 1,132
22nd 2015 Nursing to accompany family growth: Challenges for diversity Mikako Arakida Nursing to accompany family growth: Creating the environment for nurturing family in the community 833
21st 2014 Nursing for supporting the indecisive family on decision making Hiroe Tsushima Team approach and coordination for dignified care 900
20th 2013 Support for the changing family Haruko Shikimori Support for the changing family 560
19th 2012 The family and resilience Kiyoko Kamibeppu Theory to support reconstruction: Resilience and peripheral areas 832
18th 2011 In search of new family health care nursing: Returning to the original paradigm and forging the future together Naohiro Hohashi A renaissance in the family health care nursing paradigm 1,569
17th 2010 "Research" for harnessing family nursing practice Keiko Yamaguchi Linking research and practice: Aiming for the organic development of family nursing 832
16th 2009 Education for development of family nursing practice: From fundamental education to CNS education Yuko Tomari Intentions toward family nursing: Together with families having children with health problems 790
15th 2008 Family nursing practice, education, and research connected with the local community Reiko Hara Contribution of family nursing to the local society and JARFN's role 505
14th 2007 Family nursing nurtured along with families Yumiko Nakamura Nurturing family nursing along with families: In preparation for expansion of family nursing practice 508
13th 2006 Development of family nursing practice: Aiming toward being reflected in official policy Michiko Moriyama Family nursing: the direction of new perspectives and reflection on official policies 1,245
12th 2005 Advanced family nursing practice: Focusing on culture and society Kazuko Ishigaki Advanced family nursing practice: Focusing on culture and society 542
11th 2004 Promotion of family nursing research: Systematization of knowledge and improvement of family health care Keiko Murata Searching for family nursing research: Taking up creation and sharing of knowledge with families
10th 2003 Establishment of phronesis for family nursing: With a basis in science, art, and ethics Sayumi Nojima Toward establishment of phronesis for family nursing 724
9th 2002 Creating family nursing in concert with families Midori Yokota Searching in concert with families 605
8th 2001 Family nursing for supporting families in the 21st century Hisako Komiya Children with special needs and their families: Considering family support 590
7th 2000 For further development of family nursing Sumiko Maehara Family nursing for nurturing future generations 485
6th 1999 The quest to construct family nursing Sumiko Iida In search of methods for family support 488
5th 1998 Questioning the practice of family nursing Hideko Mori Reconsidering intervention in families with disabled children from the viewpoint of family nursing
4th 1997 Diversity of family values and nurses' roles Kyoko Hatano Generational differences between family values and care values 780
3rd 1996 Approach to family nursing Kazuko Suzuki Educators' awareness and expectations 300
2nd 1995 Roles of nursing for continued family support: From each area of practice Chieko Sugishita Outlook toward family nursing 190
1st 1994 Current status of and prospects for family nursing Chieko Sugishita Expectations toward family nursing 230